How to work from behind proxies ? (with patch providing a partial solution)

Vincent LADEUIL v.ladeuil at
Thu Jul 27 10:19:39 BST 2006

>>>>> "Jan" == Jan Hudec <bulb at> writes:

    Jan> On Thu, Jul 27, 2006 at 10:39:03AM +0200, Vincent
    Jan> LADEUIL wrote:
    >> I encounter some problems while trying to share some
    >> sources between two sites both behind a proxy.
    >> The network involved is like this :
    >> site F:
    >> - - strong proxy (http proxy requiring
    >> authentication, ftp allowed if tunneled thru http) -
    >> simple user of both host and network

    Jan> Most proxies (not all -- some actually check it starts
    Jan> with ssl handshake) don't check what's going on https
    Jan> connection. So an easy solution is to run ssh on port
    Jan> 443 if you are not serving secured web pages. 

I  thought of  that, but  I serve  other secured  web  pages, but
thanks for the hint.

    Jan> The advantage is that it's easier to setup than webdavs
    Jan> (many web proxies don't support webdav or don't support
    Jan> all of it, so running over plain http may not work --
    Jan> and besides it can be monitored).

webdav is  already installed and works  well for now  but I don't
know any use of it by bzr.

Is there some public versions  of the smart server lying around ?
I'll be happy to test it or even work (with limited resources) on


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