How to work from behind proxies ? (with patch providing a partial solution)

Matthieu Moy Matthieu.Moy at
Thu Jul 27 09:44:49 BST 2006

Vincent LADEUIL <v.ladeuil at> writes:

> So  I went  the https+pycurl  route  (last versions  of curl  and
> pycurl installed privately on Solaris).
> It  didn't  work  at  first  because pycurl  do  not  handle  the
> http_proxy environment variable.

Are you sure ?

I'm using bzr from behind a proxy, and I have pycurl installed, so I
assumed bzr was using it (, up to date).

> That allows me to 'bzr pull https:',  but as far as I can see the
> only way to  push is still to  use sftp, so I just  mail bzr diff
> results for now.

FYI, a solution to push to HTTPS is to use webdav. It has been
discussed several times here but no one took the time to actually
implement it (it used to work for Baz).


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