[RFC] provide an API to easily create commands that iterate over a range of revisions

Matthieu Moy Matthieu.Moy at imag.fr
Thu Jul 27 07:42:49 BST 2006

Aaron Bentley <aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca> writes:

> I think this is wrong; attempting to do this to log would hobble
> performance, because it would prevent us from retrieving all of our data
> at once.  Sometimes we need merges, sometimes we don't.  Sometimes we
> need RevisionTrees, sometimes we don't.

Well, this can also be parameterizable. Indeed, show_log and log
formatters are not far from what I want. Except that I'd want the log
formatter to be sending an email instead of printing something to

I didn't try writting a log_formatter not doing log formatting, but
this might work (then, this is a matter of naming, I don't want
show_log to do something else that showing the log normally...).

> I would recommend that we adapt show_log to your needs, instead.

I've posted my draft branch here if someone's interested in having a
look at it.


(this is the one containing an ugly cut-and-paste from log.py)


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