[bug] commands output inconsistence

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Wed Jul 26 11:42:52 BST 2006

If redirect output of different commands to a file via '>' then I could
see that some commands print their output to stderr not to stdout.

Let's see:

$ bzr mkdir dir > out  ===> output normally redirected to out

$ bzr st > out         ===> output normally redirected to out

$ bzr ci -m initial > out    ===> out file is empty and output prints on
the screen:
added dir
Committed revision 1.

$ bzr branch a b > out ===> out file is empty and output prints on the
Branched 1 revision(s).

$ bzr merge ../b > out ===> out file is empty and output prints on the
All changes applied successfully.

I think this bug appears because of progress bar. But anyway it's a bug
for me.


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