[RFC] info._show_missing_revisions_working does too much?

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Wed Jul 26 01:37:35 BST 2006

def _show_missing_revisions_working(working):
    """Show missing revisions in working tree."""
    branch = working.branch
    basis = working.basis_tree()
    work_inv = working.inventory
    delta = diff.compare_trees(basis, working, want_unchanged=True)
    history = branch.revision_history()
    tree_last_id = working.last_revision()

    if len(history) and tree_last_id != history[-1]:
        tree_last_revno = branch.revision_id_to_revno(tree_last_id)
        missing_count = len(history) - tree_last_revno
        print 'Working tree is out of date: missing %d revision%s.' % (
            missing_count, plural(missing_count))

This seems semi-crackful to me - it does a tree delta, gets a basis tree
etc, but never uses them. This might be part of why info is slow :)

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