Bug : bzr pull doesn't display error on inaccessible archives
John Arbash Meinel
john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue Jul 25 19:41:26 BST 2006
Hash: SHA1
Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
> HI all,
> I've just updated to the latest version from :
> http://bazaar-ng.org/bzr/bzr.dev/
> However if I now use this new version to do a "bzr pull" on an archive
> which seems to have disappeared off the net it get:
> > bzr pull
> Using saved location: http://mysite.verizon.net/sward.dev/projects/bzr_difftools/
> 0 revision(s) pulled.
> whereas I used to get:
> Using saved location: http://mysite.verizon.net/sward.dev/projects/bzr_difftools/
> bzr: ERROR: http error 502 probing for http://mysite.verizon.net/sward.dev/projects/
> bzr_difftools/.bzr/branch-format
> If a archive is inaccessible, it shouldn't report that it sucessfully pulled
> 0 branches.
> Erik
When I try to access that particular site, I now get:
bzr: ERROR: pycurl.error: (52, 'Empty reply from server')
I also get a big nasty traceback, because we don't have explicit
handling of the 'Empty reply from server' return code.
Eventually the server must have woke up, because I started getting
'These branches have diverged'.
At one point we were supressing random pycurl exceptions, but with my
latest http changes we are raising them again.
502 is a "Bad Gateway" response:
So it seems like it might be something misconfigured on your machine.
I agree that it shouldn't report it successfully pulled nothing. I
believe this is now fixed. Can you try it? I realize having branches
disappear is not an every day occurrence, so you may have to wait for it
to happen again.
I know I get an almost reasonable error trying to pull from a
non-existant host.
% bzr pull http://not-a-real-host.com/bzr/bzr.dev
bzr: ERROR: Connection error: curl connection error (Success) on
The '(Success)' portion is probably confusing (though curl is telling us
os.errno == 0.)
Anyway, there was a bug in that we were squelching pycurl exceptions,
though I don't know how that would have translated into '0 revisions
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