Olive screenshots

Szilveszter Farkas szilveszter.farkas at gmail.com
Mon Jul 24 09:31:08 BST 2006

> One more remark: the layout of OK/Cancel buttons is not uniform.
> Sometimes they are right in the corners (Remove), sometimes they seem
> to be centered (Branch). It's better to be consistent (like, the OK
> button - whatever it's called - in the bottom-right corner and the
> other buttons aligned on its left).

All those buttons have the same appearance properties. They are closer
to each other because of the window width. But you're right, it would
be better to have them all in the same place regardless of the window

> But well, that's details.

This could be very important for user experience, so I appreciate your comments.

Szilveszter / phanatic

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