Olive screenshots

Szilveszter Farkas szilveszter.farkas at gmail.com
Mon Jul 24 08:40:19 BST 2006

Hello Matthieu,

> I like the overall design. Good work. A few remarks:

Thank you for the comments.

> 1) Is this "mégsem" instead of "cancel" a temporary (private?) joke or
>    is it supposed to mean something particular? I could only
>    understand it from the context.

The reason is very simple: the "Cancel" button is a GTK stock item, so
it gets its properties from the environment, and my system locale is

> 2) Having the "OK" button on the left is quite unusual. Is there any
>    particular reason for this?

I haven't HIGified the interface yet, so this will probably change in
the future.

Szilveszter / phanatic

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