how to revert update operation
Adeodato Simó
dato at
Wed Jul 19 22:24:23 BST 2006
* Robert Collins [Wed, 19 Jul 2006 10:25:34 +1000]:
> But the goal statement is still identical:
> - set your basis to be the tip of the master
> - turn all your local changes into a merge into the master
Maybe this sounds stupid, but why that? Is just it can't be implemented
in other way, or don't you agree that users would expect/like just
having their commits "pushed" (instead of merged) after upgrading to the
tip of master? (Though I don't know how/when would one handle
Just curious.
> Which is why --local commits become a pending merge.
Adeodato Simó dato at
Debian Developer adeodato at
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