[MERGE] Cache inventory.knit so we don't download it twice
Michael Ellerman
michael at ellerman.id.au
Tue Jul 18 09:20:07 BST 2006
On 7/14/06, John Arbash Meinel <john at arbash-meinel.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> The attached patch enables caching for Knits again, but only when
> explicitly requested. I don't have any giant trees lying around to test
> it on.
> The branch is available from here:
> http://bzr.arbash-meinel.com/branches/bzr/features/cache-inventory/
> But I do have an idea for spilling to disk if necessary. (Check if
> branch is not local, and if not, spill to disk, else remove entries from
> the cache kind of a thing).
I've done a bit of profiling with this patch (including spill to
disk), vs bzr.dev and vs. my KnitData.read_records_iter patch. Graph
In short it doesn't seem to have much effect on memory usage. What the
graph does show, IMHO, is that my read_records_iter() in arbitrary
order patch is Good Stuff (TM), and we should work out what changed
recently to cause the memory spike at the end of branching.
For the legend:
- baseline == revid: pqm at pqm.ubuntu.com-20060713133105-7c8e508aaa4886e2
- cache-inventory == revid:
john at arbash-meinel.com-20060717234811-09bee4e0d96d1f16
- cache-inventory-out-of-order == cache-inventory + my patch (see below)
- out-of-order == baseline + my patch (see below)
- out-of-order-no-checkout == out-of-order + 'branch --no-checkout'
- out-of-order-old == ??? (a log from my original testing a few weeks
back, _no_ spike present)
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