[PATCH] performance history specification

Jan Balster jan at merlinux.de
Fri Jul 14 09:04:04 BST 2006

Robert Collins wrote:
> On Thu, 2006-07-13 at 23:21 -0500, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> I'd like it in asap so that we can put a cron job on bazaar-vcs.org
> running HEAD with this, so we have object performance stats for all the
> benchmarks.

Hi Rob,

I created a preliminary web page (and a little cron job on codespeak.net)
for showing performance numbers from the bzr.dev main branch.
The page is available at http://codespeak.net/bzr/perf_history/summary_bzr.dev.html

It's designed to give an overview of the development on the performance front.
Comments/thoughts? (let's talk about fonts and colors later  ;)  )

Some Information:
The performance tests where added to the main branch in revision 1729
(2006-05-18), but it contains an error. The error was fixed in 1744 but for
some reasons I started with revision 1749 (2006-06-07). However, a new data set
should be added every day.


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