BUG: bundle testament: something wrong again

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Tue Jul 11 14:35:49 BST 2006

Aaron Bentley пишет:
>>As I understand another solution for this problem (and this was
>>discussed before, IIRC) is to make diff inside bundle only for review
>>and store *all* actual revision text inside base-64 encoded section.
> Yes.  This solution doesn't sit right with me, especially because it
> would require a binary section even when the bundle only has a single
> revision.

I understand.

> It would also be possible to declare the line-ending type of each patch.

It's nice idea. I think it require to implement universal line-endings
support in bzr first. And this support (I think) should store all text
files in repo with LF line-endings only and additionally store in
inventory type of actual line-endings (as at this moment we store
executable flag in inventory).

But... It won't work if file itself has mix of line-endings and
inventory does not know what line-endings actually should be. It's very
bad occasion for all reasons, but sometimes (0.000....001%) it may happens.


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