Problem with bzr without default ignore list.

Matthieu Moy Matthieu.Moy at
Tue Jul 11 06:17:33 BST 2006

John Arbash Meinel <john at> writes:

> If the front-end really knows what it is doing, it probably could use
> .bzr/tmp/xxx

I'm not very comfortable with this.

First, .bzr contains "the stuff that matters", and I don't want the
user to ever have to do some cleanup manually there for example, while
he might "rm -f .bzr-dvc-something". In general, I'd rather avoid
mixing temporary hidden files with my RCS data.

Furthermore, .bzr/tmp/xxx might end up beign _bzr/tmp/xxx, and this
adds a particular case for the tool.

> I don't know if you've followed the other thread where I implemented
> user global ignores. It seems fairly likely that this will be added.
> Martin seems happy with it, and it solves a particular need now that
> defaults are gone.

Yep, I've seen the thread right after posting this message ;-).

Adding my comments there ...


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