[MERGE] Add ignore patterns into bzr.dev

Wayne Davison wayned at samba.org
Mon Jul 3 23:44:11 BST 2006

On Mon, Jul 03, 2006 at 11:27:29AM -0500, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> +.*.sw[nop]
> +.sw[nop]

Nothing in the building of bzr creates files such as these, so these
rules have no business being inside the project's .bzrignore file, IMHO.
Rules such as these should only appear in a per-user ignore file (which
should probably be initialized to some default set of rules when it
doesn't yet exist).

So, a better patch than this would be to add code to implement per-user
ignore rules and then add these rules to the initializing code for when
the rules don't yet exist.  (I'm still using my old patch that reads in
the ~/.bazaar/ignore file, but that patch didn't attempt to create the
file if it was missing.)


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