[MERGE] init remote branches

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Sun Jul 2 22:39:31 BST 2006

Hash: SHA1

Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Wouter van Heyst wrote:
>>> -        transport = get_transport(location)
>>> +        transport = bzrlib.transport.get_transport(location)
> One style nitpick: I think it's nicer to importexceeding 80 chars, or
> particular names than to import the whole package.  I prefer
> get_transport to bzrlib.transport.get_transport.
> - It's much shorter, so we don't wind up having to contort our code to
> avoid exceeding 80 chars.
> - It declares what we're using at the top, which can be useful to know.
>  (For example, if someone removed get_transport from bzrlib.transport,
> we'd get an ImportError from importing builtins, instead of when we ran
> init.)
> Aaron

I prefer the opposite. If only because it makes demandload work much better.
Demandloading a function is a risky proposition, demandloading a module
works pretty well.

I'm okay with the style of:

from bzrlib import errors, transport, etc

t = transport.get_transport()

But I would like to see us get away from importing every function up at
the top. (And if I do some demandload stuff, I'll probably be doing some
of that very cleanup.)

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