branches.conf -> locations.conf warning

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Sat Jul 1 18:50:54 BST 2006

Matthieu Moy пишет:
> Hi,
> The warning is very missleading for a non-expert user.
> It currently says:
>   Please rename branches.conf to locations.conf
> I suggest instead
>   The name for the branch-specific configuration file has changed in
>   this release. Please, rename ~/.bazaar/branches.conf to
>   ~/.bazaar/locations.conf.
> Since the user might even not know that the file exists, and what it
> is meant for.

+1 on concept. -1 on realization.

If you want to point to exact location then you should use appropriate
one for windows where there is no ~ path. I.e. you need to use result
from function config.config_dir() instead of linux-only hardwired strings.


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