plugins in windows

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Fri Jun 30 11:18:51 BST 2006

Erik Bågfors пишет:
> On 6/29/06, John Arbash Meinel <john at> wrote:
>> Anyway, what plugins are you trying to use that aren't working for you?
> Sorry, but you misunderstand me. What I'm really requesting is an
> indication in the plugin registry as to which plugins are known to
> work on windows, mac, linux, etc.

I edit page[1] and add info about platform compatibility for plugins.


+ should work
- should not work
? not tested

I suppose that most plugins designed on Linux so almost all of them gets
'+'. When I'm not sure or don't test myself I mark as '?' (I don't know)
or '+?' (should work but not tested) and '-?' (should not work but not

So, anyone who work on windows/mac (and linux of course) and have info
about does particular plugin work or not, please fix this table.



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