[merge] win32- more test suite fixes

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Thu Jun 29 22:45:27 BST 2006

Hash: SHA1

In merge.py we were using an try/except clause that was hiding real
errors. Aaron agreed that we should remove it.

In other parts of the code, we were expecting to get ENOENT if we tried
to rename the current working directory. fancy_rename() gets EPERM,
because it tries to rename the target out of the way, before trying to
rename the from into position.
So I change _win32_rename() so that it stats the from first, forcing ENOENT.

the test test_fileids_affected_by was expecting os.chmod() to work.
So I switched it to use TreeTransform.set_executability() which does
work on all platforms.

Also, the same test thought it was handling when certain characters were
invalid on the filesystem, but it really wasn't. So I fixed that.
(It wasn't setting self.branch but never actually checked that it wasn't
properly set up)

TreeTransform wasn't properly closing a file descriptor, so I put it in
 a try/finally.

All of these patches are in my win32 branch.

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