[MERGE] Trivial comment patch

Wouter van Heyst larstiq at larstiq.dyndns.org
Thu Jun 29 00:26:48 BST 2006

On Wed, Jun 28, 2006 at 07:06:00PM +0200, Jelmer Vernooij wrote:
> > Do you have a preferred short name? For now, I'm
> > just using jelmer, but I know Wouter uses larstiq, Michael Ellerman:
> > mpe, etc. I don't know yours.
> I'd prefer just 'jelmer' as shortname, or perhaps 'jrv' if you're
> looking for something even shorter. My first name is quite rare, so the
> chance there'll be more than one jelmer is pretty slim.

I started using bzr after Wouter Bolsterlee mentioned it, I'm quite
aware my first name isn't unique. My nick is though. For TODOs and such
I shorten larstiq/LarstiQ to lq/LQ. If there is need for a TLA, I'd go
along with Johns resurrection of 'wvh'.

> > Actually, I also wonder if Erik Bågfors has one, but since (bågfors)
> > seems to flush out all of our unicode incompatibilities, its worth
> > sticking with for now. :)
> :-) Perhaps I should start spelling the "ij" in my last name with heavy
> metal umlaut (Vernooÿ).

Heh, I decided to write my last name (van Heyst) with an y so it all fit
in ascii. Should I change that to U+0133 for bzr? ;)

Wouter van Heyst

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