[MERGE] fix non-ascii messages handling in 'missing' command

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Wed Jun 28 20:27:45 BST 2006

John Arbash Meinel пишет:
> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> Attached patch provide blackbox test and fix for missing command.
> So @display_command is meant for commands that shouldn't print 'bzr:
> broken-pipe' when piped into 'less' and canceled before they are finished.
> I don't really think it is needed for missing. Though it could be argued
> either way.

Well, this mechanics (at this moment) actually don't work as expected on
win32 because here it's "Errno.22 Invalid argument" raised instead of
broken pipe. So, I'm lightly delete this decorator.

But I think that it does not hurt and sometimes did right job. Per
example, in my real work sometimes I use missing for comparing two
branches and sometimes missing log report about 10-30 missing revisions.
Even 'missing --line' is not good choice sometime. So I think missing
command is more like compare-log and it's sometimes could be used with
'less' pager. So decorator don't hurt.

But this decorator anyway (at this moment) does not work on win32 so
here another patch without it.

> The 'encoding_type = "replace"' + sys.stdout => self.outf is the fix I
> was looking for, and looks like what you did.

Can I have +1 for this new patch?


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