To merge or not to merge?

David Allouche david at
Tue Jun 27 10:43:54 BST 2006

Martin Pool wrote:
> In general seeing where a revision branched from is much less
> interesting than seeing where it ended up.  You should be able to click
> on one of the non-mainline revisions to see its mainline, or jump to its
> ancestor.

The changes Robert made caused the loss of some information (where
secondary branches merged one another and the mainline) and Robert also
wanted to drop the origin-of line.

I insisted on keeping it because I thought that removing those lines
would have caused the graph not too look like a graph anymore and would
have seriously reduced the bling value of bzrk. Though, I agree I mostly
find them annoying now, especially since some of the information is
already omitted.

Ideally, I would like to have a way to select one of three displays:

 * all merges (old style bzrk, oh-my-what-a-mess)
 * merges towards mainline and origins (current style)
 * only merges towards mainline (bzr log with colors)

                                                            -- ddaa

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