checkout --lightweight --read-only?

Matthieu Moy Matthieu.Moy at
Tue Jun 27 08:02:59 BST 2006

jari.aalto at (Jari Aalto+usenet) writes:

> A) The 'branch' command is heavyweight and downloads complete remote
> repository with all the history if I understand correct.
> B) The 'checkout --lightweight' mimics somewhat CVS/SVN behavior to
> download only the working copy without the history.

It will indeed have to download part of the history to build the
working tree, but the big difference it that it will discard it
instead of storing it locally.

Note that having the history local is a kind of cache, that will make
subsequent operations faster. 'checkout --lightweight' is to be used
mostly when the branch is local (or on the local network for example),
or when you run out of disk space (which is indeed quite unusual on
modern machines. except for very large projects, you don't mind
spending a few megabytes for a cache).

>     $ bzr checkout --lightweight bzr-dvc
>     bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock: transport is read only: <bzrlib.transport.http._urllib.HttpTransport_urllib url=>
>     /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/bzrlib/ UserWarning: file group LockableFiles(<bzrlib.transport.local.LocalTransport url=/usr/share/site-lisp/net/bzr-packages/bzr-dvc/.bzr/checkout/>) was not explicitly unlocked
>       warn("file group %r was not explicitly unlocked" % self)

There's a bug open for this in malone already. Yes, this is a problem.


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