[MERGE] Factor out revision-history synthesis for reuse

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Mon Jun 26 10:00:20 BST 2006

On Tue, 2006-06-20 at 12:17 -0500, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> Robert Collins wrote:
> > I had a case where I need to create a new revision-history recently.
> > This patch made it easier:
> > 
> > Cheers,
> > Rob
> > 
> > 
> +1 from me. But should this be part of BzrBranch, or part of Repository.
>  Repository has all the information it needs, so it seems the right
> place to put it.

Well, no. Yes, *part* of it can be moved to repository, but not the
whole thing, and I'm fairly sure that moving it to Repository is
counter-optimal in terms of who calls what: Some branches will not allow
setting the revision-history at all (*cough* svn), others will only
accept a last-revision pointer and have no need to generate the full
history. So for now at least, I'm not inclined to move any code onto
repository until we get another user - at which point triangulation is

> If not, would it be better as part of BzrBranch or the base-level
> Branch. (I would think it would be best as the base-level Repository, so
> any repo which implements get_revision_graph has an implementation, but
> can fast path it if it makes sense for them).

I may have another tweak to do here soon, if I do I'll move it up to

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