[RFC] New feature: --batch to accept command sequences from stdin (or file)

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Mon Jun 26 09:50:48 BST 2006

On Fri, 2006-06-23 at 10:42 +1000, Martin Pool wrote:
> On 22 Jun 2006, "Jari Aalto+mail.perl" <jari.aalto at cante.net> wrote:
> > I would if I knew python. That's why I asked someone could put --batch
> > to TODO list for wished features.
> If none of the existing plugins will do the trick then feel free to file
> a wishlist bug on launchpad.

Rather than a wishlist bug, I would like to see a feature specification
which describes the desired feature in summary, ideally with a wiki page
on bazaar-vcs.org which goes into some detail - considering things like
error reporting (does it stop at the first error? how does diff return
its retcode 1==changes in tree to the caller?), disambiguating of output
from each command, etc.

feature specifications are preferrable to wishlist bugs because they
provide work scheduling and requirement documentation facilities. These
in turn allow us to get the feature defined such that a community member
is able to confidently implement the feature knowing that the bzr 'core'
are happy with it (assuming the spec has been marked approved), and
their code is likely to be accepted into the mainline (modulo the normal
quality considerations).


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