Bug : bzr pull doesn't display error on inaccessible archives

Erik de Castro Lopo erikd+bzr at mega-nerd.com
Sun Jun 25 00:18:44 BST 2006

HI all,

I've just updated to the latest version from :


However if I now use this new version to do a "bzr pull" on an archive
which seems to have disappeared off the net it get:

    > bzr pull
    Using saved location: http://mysite.verizon.net/sward.dev/projects/bzr_difftools/
    0 revision(s) pulled.

whereas I used to get:

    Using saved location: http://mysite.verizon.net/sward.dev/projects/bzr_difftools/
    bzr: ERROR: http error 502 probing for http://mysite.verizon.net/sward.dev/projects/

If a archive is inaccessible, it shouldn't report that it sucessfully pulled
0 branches.

  Erik de Castro Lopo
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least sacrifice a rubber chicken upon the altar of literacy?"
 -- TackHead on Slashdot

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