To merge or not to merge?

Martin Pool mbp at
Fri Jun 23 02:48:44 BST 2006

On 22 Jun 2006, Aaron Bentley < at> wrote:
> I thought I'd share an interesting dilemma: should I branch, merge or
> pull?  I'm not sure what it says about our model that I'm confronting this.
> I'm about to do some more hacking on the 'log' command.  I've got a
> 'log.perf' branch, which seems like the appropriate place to work.
> Currently, my log work is shown as 'fully merged', which means that its
> line in bzrk stops last Saturday.  

I typically pull in this case.  If everything has been fully merged
you might as well conceptually start a new log branch from where ever has got up to.


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