[merge] Fix trailing whitespace bug #49182

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Fri Jun 23 01:35:55 BST 2006

Robey Pointer wrote:
> On 22 Jun 2006, at 17:21, Robey Pointer wrote:
>> On 22 Jun 2006, at 12:50, John Arbash Meinel wrote:
>>> Aaron Bentley wrote:
>>>> John Arbash Meinel wrote:
>>>>>> I've gotten bit by this several times, and it seems other people
>>>>>> have as
>>>>>> well. So I went ahead and wrote this patch which tests bundles
>>>>>> that have
>>>>>> their trailing whitespace messed with, and fixes the parser.
>>>> Great.  +1.
>>>>>> The selftests pass, though for some reason I'm getting tracebacks
>>>>>> in the
>>>>>> SFTP Server threads. 'Broken pipe' mostly. But I'm getting those in
>>>>>> plain 'bzr.dev', so it shouldn't be anything with my patch.
>>>> Those seem to have come in with Robey's recent SFTP timeout fix.
>>> Yeah, that's what I guessed. I wouldn't have +1'd it if I had seen that
>>> happening. It seems that on my FC4 machine, it doesn't happen. But on
>>> Ubuntu Dapper it does.
>> It's happening on my mac now, too.  Turns out it's a bug in paramiko
>> that's fixed in the trunk but not in a release (yet).  Attached is a
>> patch against bzr to absorb that exception.  Actually as an experiment
>> I'm going to attach it as a bundle.
> Err... in my excitement to try out bundles I forgot to remove some
> debugging from my patch before committing. :)  Here's the right bundle.
> robey

Its fairly obvious that you uncommitted did the fix, and then committed
a new change. If you *really* wanted to test out bundles, you would have
just made the change, and submitted the rollup bundle.

That said....
Is it best to use e.args[] for this. Shouldn't the subsystem be raising
something with an 'e.errno'?

It just seems a little bit blind to be catching a 'socket.error' and
expecting the first argument to be an errno. Are socket errors always
raised in this fashion? Or is it possible I might raise it with
something like the length of a string, which might happen to collide
with an errno.

In the general sense of having the sftp server swallow broken pipes...
It seems okay, but why is our client breaking the connection early.
Isn't it nicer if bzr hangs up properly?


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