[RFC] New feature: --batch to accept command sequences from stdin (or file)

Jari Aalto+mail.perl jari.aalto at cante.net
Thu Jun 22 12:03:40 BST 2006

* Thu 2006-06-22 Martin Pool <mbp AT canonical.com>
* Message-Id: 20060622082250.GD7234 at gifted
> On 22 Jun 2006, "Jari Aalto+mail.perl" <jari.aalto AT cante.net> wrote:
>> hence my question if --batch could be considered.
> It should be fairly trivial to do as a plugin, certainly simpler than
> bzr shell or bzr service.  I suggest you at least
> prototype it there and see how you go.

I would if I knew python. That's why I asked someone could put --batch
to TODO list for wished features.


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