[RFC] BzrTagging updates

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Thu Jun 22 10:00:50 BST 2006

Aaron Bentley wrote:
> Matthew D. Fuller wrote:
>>> I would think they should certainly be a branch property.  To take the
>>> standard tack, I can certainly have RELEASE_1 on two different
>>> branches in the same repository, and the two have no relation
>>> whatsoever to each other.
> That seems really confusing to me.  After all, there can be only one
> bzr-0.8, no matter how many branches of bzr I have.
> Aaron

True, but there can be many 'release-1.0' of however many projects you have.
Yes, you could always prepend the project identifier, to make sure that
your tags don't conflict. In which case you would have repository-level
tags, but every tag would have a 'branch-id' sticking out the beginning
of it.

Having tags be branch-level properties feels more natural to me.

Though I can also argue that a 'tag' is just a pointer to the tip of a
specific branch, which is a little bit more like an independent branch.
And you don't really want to reference another branch within your
branch. Such as when checking out bzr-0.7, it seems a little weird if
you have to grab the 0.7 tree in order to get the 0.8 tree.

The storage should certainly be at the repository level. I'm undecided
whether they have to be unique across different branches.


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