[BUG] (trivial) duplicate text in "bzr pull --help"

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Thu Jun 22 08:35:05 BST 2006

Michael Ellerman пишет:
> On 6/22/06, Matthieu Moy <Matthieu.Moy at imag.fr> wrote:
>> $ bzr pull --help
>> [...]
>> If branches have diverged, you can use 'bzr merge' to integrate the 
>> changes
>> from one into the other.  Once one branch has merged, the other should
>> be able to pull it again.
>> If branches have diverged, you can use 'bzr merge' to pull the text 
>> changes
>> from one into the other.  Once one branch has merged, the other should
>> be able to pull it again.
>> [...]
>> (I suppose the second part shoud be deleted)
> Nah, it's there so that people _really_ understand .. ;)

Then it should be 3 times here. :-)


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