Detecting out of date checkouts, plus bind without arguments

John Arbash Meinel john at
Wed Jun 21 20:52:54 BST 2006

Adeodato Simó wrote:
> * Aaron Bentley [Tue, 20 Jun 2006 13:05:23 -0400]:
>> John Arbash Meinel wrote:
>>> I see 2 resolutions, 'unbind' could create '.bzr/branch/last-bound'. Or
>>> we could store another flag somewhere to indicate if we are actually bound.
>> I'd suggest .bzr/branches.conf.  You can have
>> bind_location = s
>> bind_active = no
>> I'm currently working on fully integrating .bzr/branches.conf into our
>> configuration system, so that you can specify any value there that you
>> can specify in locations.conf.  (Except for dangerous options like
>> gpg-signing-command and post-commit)
> Aha. Sorry that I have to ask, but I've never used this file: is it
> meant to be written to by bzr exclusively, by the user too, or by the
> user only? My guess is that bzr will update it on eg. the first `bzr
> push`, or on a `bzr pull --remember`, yes?
> Also, when you say .bzr/branches.conf above, do you mean
> $checkout/.bzr/branches.conf, or ~/.bazaar/branches.conf? If the latter,
> I'm curious about what the rationale for taking this information from
> the checkout into a global file is; for example, this would break when
> moving a checkout from one directory to another.

Actually, it would be .bzr/branch/branch.conf, or in pre-split-out
formats .bzr/branch.conf

I think it is one of those files that collects information. So bzr will
write to it, but it is meant to be kept in a format that a user can also
edit it.

> Thanks,

The only thing stored there right now is the branch nickname.


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