[MERGE] Consistent SHA1 for testaments, bundle version bump

Aaron Bentley aaron.bentley at utoronto.ca
Wed Jun 21 17:47:02 BST 2006

Hash: SHA1

John Arbash Meinel wrote:
> I actually already merged this as part of my win32 fixes (since I needed
> it to track down the problems).
> But I don't think it will conflict, since I simply applied and committed
> your patch.

Minor conflict.  I used different help text in this version.

> So why are you making the StrictTestament use v2.1 rather than v1.1?

It had previously been 2, so I bumped it to 2.1

> It seems like it should either be 'version 2' or it should be version
> '1.1' for .1 meaning 'strict'.

That makes it sound like an ehancement of 1.1, when it's really an
alternative to it.  But '2' wasn't something I was completely happy
with, either.

>      def _entry_to_line(self, path, ie):
> -        l = ie.revision.decode('utf-8') + ' '
> -        l += {True: 'yes', False: 'no'}[ie.executable] + ' '
> -        l += Testament._entry_to_line(self, path, ie)
> +        l = Testament._entry_to_line(self, path, ie)[:-1]
> +        l += ' ' + ie.revision.decode('utf-8')
> +        l += {True: ' yes\n', False: ' no\n'}[ie.executable]
>          return l
> -
> -    def as_text_lines(self):
> -        lines = ['bazaar-ng testament version 2']
> -        lines.extend(Testament.as_text_lines(self)[1:])
> -        return lines
> Is this the whitespace stuff that you wanted to fix?

The entry_to_line bit was.  The as_text_lines was mostly refactoring.
Format 2 had really ugly spacing when I finally saw it using bzr
testament --strict.

> Is it possible to have a STRICT testament test which includes the
> executable bit? This test checks last_modified, and 'executable:no', but
> it doesn't seem to check executable:yes.

Don't see why not.

> Generally +1 from me.

Cool.  I'll add that test and send it in.

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