[RFC] Revision id aliases

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue Jun 20 18:56:05 BST 2006

Matthew D. Fuller wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 20, 2006 at 12:54:47PM -0400 I heard the voice of
> Aaron Bentley, and lo! it spake thus:
>> I think you may be sitting in the wrong place.
> Well, not wrong; just a different place from those for whom PQM is a
> suitable answer   :]
> Adding extra steps into the commit process wouldn't sit well with me,
> and it certainly would be a non-starter with many of the people I'd
> have to drag along to use bzr ("What, I have to commit, THEN run this
> other command, THEN watch my email to see if it worked?  WTF?  Screw
> this, I'm going back to having a thousand 'project.XXX' directories
> instead of this VCS crap!").
> I've got a workflow now that works.  I have my CVS checkout on any of
> dozens of possible machines.  I make a change, I commit it, cvs goes
> over ssh and talks to cvs on the server holding the repository, it
> adds the change and sends an email.  I don't need to do anything on
> the client side aside from HAVE CVS.  No SMTP config, no extra host
> config, no plugins or CVS config, no nothing.  Aside from the "CVS"
> bit, that's perfect.  All the brains are in one place, where they can
> be controlled and maintained and setup and debugged once.

Well, you do realize that you could right a relatively simple cron
script to just check for new entries and send an email.
Combine that with 'bzr checkout sftp://main/branch', and you have all
that you just requested here.

For something as simple as your request, there really are simple solutions.


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