[RFC] Revision id aliases

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Tue Jun 20 15:39:30 BST 2006

Matthew D. Fuller wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 20, 2006 at 01:40:18PM +1000 I heard the voice of
> Martin Pool, and lo! it spake thus:
>> Yes, I'd hope so too.  The big things on my map for 1.0 are tags,
>> better performance (including a smart server), and improved
>> documentation.
> FWIW, the 3 major bits[0] that keep me from moving big gobs of stuff
> to bzr are tags, smart server, and keyword expansion.  So, that's 2/3
> of the way there in one release    :>
> [0] Technical bits, that is; social and historical and sundry others
>     are likely to keep me using other VCS's until...  I dunno.  Until
>     I die, probably.

tags I agree with.

I'm wondering what specifically you want out of a smart server, and why
it is preventing you from switching. Is it just performance? What kind
of performance are you going to be happy with? If we are say 2x slower
over a dumb transport versus what we could do with a smart server, would
that be good enough. (ss would take 1min, dt takes 2).
I realize that so far we have been much farther off than 2x. But I think
the latest multi-range things might bring us even closer.
Or is there something about a smart server that gives you warm fuzzies?

Keyword expansion is a harder sell. Its really hard to get right, and
requires another abstraction layer. We probably will get it in some form
or another, though.


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