0.8.3 bugfix release

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Sun Jun 18 20:00:56 BST 2006

Wouter van Heyst wrote:
> Quite a lot of people join #bzr wondering what broke when they push to a
> new location and bzr reports that is has pushed zero revisions. When
> they check their public http location, they see an empty dir. Explaining
> this has become a bit of a routine, but perhaps it is worth to put out a
> new bugfix release containing the fix for this? r1714 of bzr.dev merged
> robertc at robertcollins.net-20060515050657-7232e2d1f6895fae , which should
> do the trick.
> Wouter van Heyst

Well, there are quite a few bugfixes that have been committed that would
be worthy of another release.
I think that we could argue that as long as we don't change any data
formats, then we could release it as another point release.
So we could release something like the pycurl + multirange request
change, which speeds up a 'get' by ~2.5x.
The only thing I'm hesitant to release as a point release is my encoding
work, because it has test cases which don't pass on Mac. Its because it
is testing functionality that has been broken, but it would be nice to
have all official releases pass all tests.
Though it has been a long time since win32 was there. I've done cleanups
from time to time (as has Aaron and Alexander). But it still needs quite
a few more rounds of testing and cleanups.

I would love to get the tests passing on Win32 and OS X, and then
release an 0.8.3 with a bunch of our speed improvements and general


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