unicode issue in osutils.contains_whitespace

Lukáš Lalinský lalinsky at gmail.com
Sat Jun 17 22:03:37 BST 2006


I tried to convert one Subversion repository into Bzr using Tailor and I was
getting an unicode TypeError from osutils.contains_whitespace. I'm not sure if
this function is supposed to be Unicode safe. If no, then this is a Tailor bug
and you can just ignore this e-mail. :)

The problem is that Tailor sends unicode strings to bzrlib, and when
contains_whitespace is looking for whitespace characters it uses
string.whitespace. But string.whitespace contains a '\xa0' (non-breaking space
in ISO-8859-1), which is not convertable to unicode using the default 'ascii'
codec and so it raises a TypeError exception ("TypeError: 'in <string>' requires
string as left operand").

Lukáš Lalinský
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