Using fixed variables probably doesn't help

Robert Collins robertc at
Fri Jun 16 15:32:09 BST 2006

On Fri, 2006-06-16 at 09:26 -0500, John Arbash Meinel wrote:

> Sure, but that means it won't be the same string that everyone else
> uses. So you lose the fast lookups. My point was to have the returned
> strings be interned, so when 'walkdirs()' says 'if kind == 'unknown'
> then stat' it doesn't have to be a string comparison.
> In my testing it was only about 10% faster, but it was faster.

Is it reasonabel to do this by having osutils get the strings from the
readdir module?

If not, we can experiment with teaching the pyrex code to use interned

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