[patch] add pyflakes; clean up cruft

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Fri Jun 16 10:21:01 BST 2006

On Fri, 2006-06-16 at 15:10 +1000, Martin Pool wrote:
> This patch adds make targets to run the 'pyflakes' static checker, and
> cleans up some things I found by running it.  Seeking +1 or comments.
>  - Remove most occurrences of 'from foo import *', which is generally
>    thought bad style and prevents other checks

err, I don't think is bad style per se. Its extremely useful in some
precise circumstances - such as 'from stat import *' or 'from errno
import *' - where the symbols being import are supplied from a __all__
statement, and where they make sense in the namespace they are being
imported into. Specifically, from symbol_versioning import * is useful
and appropriate, because we cannot demand load symbols needed to compile
source, only symbols used at runtime.

I can dig through the patch, but can you be more precise about what
usage of this you find objectionable?

>  - Generally remove 'import bzrlib' in favour of importing the
>    particular submodules that are needed.

This too - Its nice to know that 'bzrlib' is always available. If we
have 'import bzrlib.foo' then sure, import bzrlib is redudant and I
agree removing it is fine.

generally +1, would like to discuss the two points above a little more
before its merged though.


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