Just running 'bzr selftest blackbox' fails because of Deprecation Warning

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Fri Jun 16 00:27:54 BST 2006

I'm not sure what code path turns off the DeprecationWarning, but if you
just run
bzr selftest -v blackbox

It doesn't disable the warning about all_revision_ids being deprecated.
And the merge test checks both stdout and stderr are valid.
This is easiest to check with:
bzr selftest -v blackbox.*find_merge_base

The specific bug is that MultipleRevisionSources.get_revision_graph()
probes all revision sources for their complete revision graph, and then
merges everything together. And at the very end, it traces back just the
ancestry of the specific revision_id.

I do believe the goal of this operation is to perform a sort of ghost
filling. Since you may not know the ancestry until you fill in some of
the ancestry from each side.

So I don't know what the best answer is. The attached patch fixes the
specific test which is failing (to just not compare that part).
And then I moved the deprecations up a level. So that
get_revision_graph_with_ghosts() says that it is deprecated to request
the graph without a target, etc. But for something like
'find_merge_base' you still get the deprecation.

Anyway, I'm not planning on merging this yet, until we figure out how we
want to handle the deprecation warnings. And the ancestry code paths.

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