Is it possible to pull bundles, not only merge them?

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Thu Jun 15 21:33:29 BST 2006

John Arbash Meinel пишет:
> Alexander Belchenko wrote:
>> Is it possible to pull in bundles patch? Now any allowed operations for
>> bundles is merge into.
> Well, I've actually done:
> bzr merge bundle
> bzr revert
> bzr pull -r revid:last_id_from_bundle --overwrite .
> Which is how I made a mirror of your changes.

Interesting trick. I'll try it. I think in short-term I'll be happy with 
this trick and make some sort of plugin to automate this task.

> I agree, though, that doing:
> bzr pull bundle
> Is nicer when you want to work in that format.
> How about I go refactor the bundle stuff so that it can take a
> Transport, and create a convenience function that both merge and pull
> can use.

As far as Aaron is happy with this 'odd' use case then having native 
support for pulling in bundles patches is good idea.

In fact I need a support for pulling bundles because I try to build 
effective work interaction with one my remote co-worker who lives under 
firewalls and exchanging bundles via e-mails is easiest way to keep our 
development branches up-to-date.


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