Is it possible to pull bundles, not only merge them?

Alexander Belchenko bialix at
Thu Jun 15 20:02:15 BST 2006

Is it possible to pull in bundles patch? Now any allowed operations for 
bundles is merge into.

Use case: I have the branch that mirrors another branch from remote 
machine, and I don't have any other way to get latest changes from 
remote side only as bundle patch via e-mail. I want to mirror remote 
branch with newest incoming bundles. How to do this?

I suppose that operations chain like:

$ bzr merge bundle
$ bzr ci
$ bzr pull . -r revid:last_id_from_bundle

should work. (But I'm not tested it yet).

But may be it possible to shorten this case by allowing direct pull from 
bundle file if bzr see that branches is not diverged?
What you think about this use case?


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