[BUG][Fix] (win32?) merge raise error when path-to-branch is relative
Alexander Belchenko
bialix at ukr.net
Thu Jun 15 11:06:58 BST 2006
Bug reproduction:
$ bzr init a
$ bzr init b
$ cd b
$ bzr merge ../a
bzr: ERROR: exceptions.IOError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: u'../a'
at D:\user\python\bzr\devel\bzr.dev\bzrlib\builtins.py line 2057
in run
line where exception raised is:
if branch is not None:
reader = BundleReader(file(branch, 'rb')) # <<< 2057
reader = None
My first thoughts to fix this was:
if branch is not None and not os.path.isdir(branch):
reader = BundleReader(file(branch, 'rb'))
reader = None
This change is trivial and boring to me to write appropriate test.
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