[MERGE REVIEW] Tweaks to bundle merging

John Whitley whitley at acm.org
Thu Jun 15 03:54:33 BST 2006

Martin Pool wrote:
> Therefore I suggest we add a field to the diff header saying what  
> kind of newline is used in lines added by that diff.  This should  
> be reasonably straightforward to add as an option to the method  
> that produces this from a SequenceMatcher.
> --- a   2006-06-15 06:36:02.000000000 +1000
> +++ b   2006-06-15 06:36:03.000000000 +1000
> ~~~ line-endings: CRLF

I'll observe that this can/will dovetail with versioned property  
based line-endings support ala http://bazaar-vcs.org/LineEndings.   
Once bzr supports line-endings, then that information (and the actual  
filters) can be used to assist in just this situation.

As for mixed line endings, the only real case that I've been able to  
come up with is that of a test case file that deliberately includes  
mixed endings to test the behavior of the associated app.  In this  
case the mixed-ending file should just be treated as a binary[1].   
Otherwise, I'd suggest holding the line that "text file" means "text  
file with consistent line endings", and let someone who disagrees  
write a plugin to extend the line-endings property support for their  
real-world mixed-ending use case.

-- John

[1] On which I note that there's no option to "bzr add" to force a  
file to be treated as a

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