[MERGE] win32 fixes for TestInfo

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Tue Jun 13 20:46:56 BST 2006

Today I try to figure out why bzr don't show info about master branch
after I bind branch inside shared repo with trees to another branch.
It's really not obvious question. Because now bzr assume that if branch
bound to another branch then this branch is checkout.

But in practice I can bind branch inside shared repo to another branch.
I like to use in this unusual manner for synchronizing reason. If you
say me that this should not be used I propbably give up, but now I found
this behaviour useful for my needs. I hope this behaviour don't planned
to be canceled.

But before make changes I try to write appropriate test first. And
eventually found some win32 bugs in test suite for info command. So I
decide to fix them first.

Please review attached patch. It fixes win32-related problems in
test suite for 'info' command. Now all TestInfo tests pass on win32.


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