[bzrtools] exception thrown when using baz-import

Jamie Wilkinson jaq at spacepants.org
Tue Jun 13 15:35:07 BST 2006

This one time, at band camp, Robert Collins wrote:
>On Tue, 2006-06-13 at 16:35 +1000, Jamie Wilkinson wrote:
>> This one time, at band camp, Jamie Wilkinson wrote:
>> >Hey,
>> >
>> >I'm trying to import some old baz archives into bzr, using the shiniest
>> >latest bzrtools from http://panoramicfeedback.com/opensource/bzr/bzrtools,
>> >and pybaz from ddaa at ddaa.net--2004/pybaz--devo--0--patch-148 , and I'm
>> >getting this error:
>> >
>> >dawn% bzr baz-import ~/src/bzr-from-baz jaq at spacepants.org--2004
>> >importing jaq at spacepants.org--2004/almanac--proto--0 into
>> >/home/jaq/src/bzr-from-baz/almanac/proto
>> >Cleaning up
>> >bzr: ERROR: exceptions.TypeError: name must be a str, but was:
>> >bzrlib.plugins.bzrtools.pybaz.Revision('jaq at spacepants.org--2004/almanac--proto--0--base-0')
>> >  at /home/jaq/src/barry/pybaz/pybaz/_builtin.py line 83
>> >  in _check_param_type
>> >
>> >Is there a newer pybaz that baz-import is supposed to work with?
>> No, I'm just a moron who can't read the instructions.  One needs to symlink
>> pybaz into bzrtools/externals.
>If pybaz is installed, it should have just worked..

If by "installed" you mean, have a checkout of it and symlinked it into
bzrtools, then sure, once one reads the instructions and puts the symlink
in the right spot, it just works.

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