Submit by mail
Michael Ellerman
michael at
Mon Jun 12 02:17:58 BST 2006
On 6/12/06, Aaron Bentley < at> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Michael Ellerman wrote:
> > On 6/12/06, Hermann Kraus <hermann at> wrote:
> >> The mua command can be configured in bazaar.conf. If none is specified a
> >> text-
> >> editor is launched and an internal mail command used. The bundle will be
> >> stored in
> >> a temporary file and sent as and attachment.
> >
> > Some people will want to send the patch inline, ie. not as an
> > attachment. So you should make that an option.
> Inline patches are much more likely to be mangled (e.g. LF -> CRLF) than
> attachments, so there is some risk to that approach.
Sure, but any decent mailer should be able to send mail without
munging whitespace _if you tell it not to_. Having said that, it's
probably best to try and make the bundle code as immune to whitespace
changes as possible. Perhaps optionally, like patch's
Inline patches are much easier to read and comment on, in some MUAs at
least. And some communities won't accept patches any other way.
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