push to a windows ftp server

Alexander Belchenko bialix at ukr.net
Sun Jun 11 07:15:33 BST 2006

Stefan Reichör пишет:
> Hi!
> I'd like to mirror a bzr repository to a windows ftp server.
> I tried the following
> # bzr push ftp://user:passwd@xsteve.at/bzr
> bzr: ERROR: 550 bzr: Cannot create a file when that file already exists.

This bug reproducible in sefltest suite of bzr.dev 0.9 with Medusa 
installed on my win32. Here is log from selftest when test attempt to 
put /b when /b already exists:

FTP put: /b
_ftp_channel: <== TYPE I
_ftp_channel: ==> 200 Type set to Binary.
_ftp_channel: <== PASV
_ftp_channel: ==> 227 Entering Passive Mode (127,0,0,1,5,246)
_ftp_channel: <== STOR /b.tmp.1150003416.046000000.1512.21518313
_ftp_channel: ==> 150 Opening Binary connection for 
_ftp_channel: ==> 226 Transfer complete.
_ftp_channel: <== RNFR /b.tmp.1150003416.046000000.1512.21518313
_ftp_channel: ==> 350 Ready for RNTO
_ftp_channel: <== RNTO /b
_ftp_channel: ==> 550 RNTO failed: [Errno 17] File exists

^^^^[log from 
Traceback (most recent call last):
line 691, in test_copy
     t.copy('d', 'b')
   File "E:\work\Python\bzr\devel\bzr.dev\bzrlib\transport\__init__.py", 
line 463, in copy
     self.put(rel_to, self.get(rel_from))
   File "E:\work\Python\bzr\devel\bzr.dev\bzrlib\transport\ftp.py", line 
316, in put
     self._translate_perm_error(e, abspath, extra='could not store')
   File "E:\work\Python\bzr\devel\bzr.dev\bzrlib\transport\ftp.py", line 
161, in _translate_perm_error
     raise errors.FileExists(path, extra=extra)
FileExists: File exists: '/b': could not store: 550 RNTO failed: [Errno 
17] File exists


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