[BUNDLE] Make additional chance to obtain right encoding of console when output piped

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Sat Jun 10 15:04:38 BST 2006

Wouter van Heyst wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 10, 2006 at 08:27:58AM -0500, John Arbash Meinel wrote:


> When I try to apply the bundle with:
>     bzr merge fix-self.outf.encoding.bundle
> I get
>     bzr: ERROR: Revision {john at arbash-meinel.com-20060610125702-5eecc3274f00e576} not present in inventory.
> Is this the right way to apply the bundle? Applying with patch -p0 still
> works and fixes the problem, +1 from me.
> Wouter van Heyst

The issue is that the bundle I sent was just the bundle against my
previous commit, not against bzr.dev.
Since my previous change wasn't submitted yet, you didn't have that
version to apply the bundle against.

I have a few changes pending in jam-integration. I realized I've been
doing a few too many things there, so I'm starting to try and do them on
more feature branches, rather than in my integration branch.

Thanks for the +1.

My current jam-integration pending merges are:
1751: John Arbash Meinel 2006-06-10 codecs.getwriter() doesn't set
'.encoding' properly, so do t...
1750: John Arbash Meinel 2006-06-10 Fix bzrlib.urlutils.split() to work
properly on win32 local ...
1749: John Arbash Meinel 2006-06-09 [merge] Alexander Belchenko: check
sys.stdin encoding in cas...

It looks like I have a lot of fixes needed for my Encoding branch on
win32, so I'm resurrecting that branch, and I'll try to do some cleanups


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