Looking for debugging help....
Erik Bågfors
zindar at gmail.com
Fri Jun 9 15:12:33 BST 2006
I ran the same command, and got the same problem. In ~/.bzr.log you
can find a backtrace of what happened.
what I can see is that it dies in class _KnitComponentFile, def
write_header. If I run a python debugger there, I can see that in
normal cases this is a local transport
(Pdb) p self._transport
But in the case, where it dies, it tries
(Pdb) p self._transport
So, for some reason it tries to write a knit header to the http path
(I assume).
My very wild guess, is that this is caused by something in the branch
being missing, and bzr trying to correct it.
Very wild guess..
On 6/9/06, Gerald (Jerry) Carter <jerry at samba.org> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hey folks,
> I'm trying to utilize bzr for Samba's SoC projects.
> When trying to pull one of the students trees I get
> the following error.
> $ bzr pull http://people.samba.org/bzr/mwong/samba-soc
> bzr: ERROR: exceptions.TypeError: append() got an
> unexpected keyword argument 'mode'
> at /usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/bzrlib/knit.py line 891
> in write_header
> Running "bzr info http://people.samba.org/bzr/mwong/samba-soc"
> generates the same error.
> Process works for http://people.samba.org/bzr/mkrax/samba-soc
> I'm using bzr 0.8.2 a SuSE 10.0 box with the following RPMs:
> python-2.4.1-3
> python-tk-2.4.1-3
> python-elementtree-1.2.6-2
> python-crypto-2.0-4
> python-xml-2.4.1-3
> kdebindings3-python-3.4.2-8
> python-devel-2.4.1-3
> What's the next way to start debugging this? My python
> scripting is less than stellar but someone could point
> me in the right direction, I'd be grateful.
> cheers, jerry
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.2 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with SUSE - http://enigmail.mozdev.org
> iD8DBQFEiXYzIR7qMdg1EfYRAummAKC+dGX49YeN9upoxCwdsSzKy5HG7gCeLcca
> x+8ZpmHgfvYm02M0IezMnPQ=
> =/xDT
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