push to a windows ftp server

John Arbash Meinel john at arbash-meinel.com
Thu Jun 8 08:02:07 BST 2006

Stefan Reichör wrote:
> Hi!
> I'd like to mirror a bzr repository to a windows ftp server.
> I tried the following
> # bzr push ftp://user:passwd@xsteve.at/bzr
> bzr: ERROR: 550 bzr: Cannot create a file when that file already exists.
> I use bzr 0.8.2 on Dapper.

I think you are being bitten by the bug where bzr didn't push to top
level branches. Can you try to do:

bzr push ftp://user:passwd@xsteve.at/base/bzr

And 'base' should probably exist.

I just committed some changes which should fix this behavior, but that
may be more of an 0.9 rather than a 0.8.x release.


> Matthieu Moy has the following explanation for it:
>> I suppose this is due to the way bzr handles atomic writes:
>> Instead of doing
>>   upload file
>> it does (conceptually)
>>   upload <random-temp-name>
>>   move <random-temp-name> file
>> If "file" already existed before, the POSIX semantics tell you that
>> "file" atomically becomes the new file. The Windows semantics tells
>> you that it's not possible.
>> I don't know how bzr is supposed to work if the remote server is a
>> windows machine.
>> I suggest that you continue this discussion on the bazaar-ng mailing
>> list. They'll be interested in your problem anyway.
> Any Ideas?
> Stefan.

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